that you're not alone. The people of the United States will stand
strong and united through any crisis.
B--Buy America. Help the wounded economy make
a full recovery.
C--Celebrate today, because you're part of one
of the greatest nations beneath the sun.

D--Don't panic because of what you hear on the
news or read in the paper.
E--Embrace the ones you love and cherish family
F--Fly the flag proudly. Many people have fought
and died for it.
G--Greet each dawn with optimism. Remember President
Franklin Roosevelt's words: "The only thing we have to fear is fear
H--Honor the constitution and all the liberties
it grants you. Honor the liberties it grants other Americans as
well. Many have fought to give you these privileges.

I--Instill a sense of American pride in your children.
Teach them the many reasons why they should be glad to be part of
this great nation.
J--Join the ranks of those who refuse to be bullied
or frightened by foreign aggressors. Do your part to help your nation
and your neighbor.
K--Know the Pledge of Allegiance and treasure
the meaning of the beautiful words:
"I pledge allegiance to
the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for
which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty
and justice for all."

L--Love your neighbor with all of your heart.
M--Measure the United States by all of the privileges
and opportunities it grants you every day. Unlike the citizens of
many other countries, you can do anything you want, become anyone
you want to be.
N--Never lose faith that this country will succeed
in the face of adversity. God will always guide this nation and
keep each star on the American flag shining bright.
O--Offer hope. Everyone could use some.

P--Pray that God will continue to richly bless
this country, and remember our motto is: "In God is our trust."
Q--Quit dwelling on the negative. Instead focus
on making this nation even better tomorrow than it is today in the
spirit of the founding fathers.
R--Remember those who have fought for this country
and honor them.
S--Support our troops overseas. Keep their morale
T--Think about how lucky you are to be part of
this great nation.

U--Use your skills and talent to the best of your
ability in order to make this country a great place to live.
V--Vote. Don't throw away one of your greatest
W--Wear a smile instead of a frown.
X--X-ray the heart of the nation, and you'll find
that it's beating stronger than ever. The eagle has grown new wings
and is taking flight.
Y--Yield to the overwhelming feeling of national
pride that's all around.
Z--Zealously treasure your freedom, and do all
you can to defend it with the heart of a true patriot.